
name: Jay
age: unknown, although he is an adult
species: object head (inverted human)
gender: male
pronouns: he/him
height: 6’10
backstory: he moved in with the main group by manipulating Void into believing he was a good person, and then he took advantage of that. he started physically abusing Fever, Puddle, Bug, and Spark. He also emotionally abused them, as well as a few others. he’d often break things and scream at everyone over the smallest things. eventually, he tried to take it up a notch and kill Fever, but Starrie intervened and locked Jay in his own personal torturous pocket dimension for all eternity. it serves him right. he was a nasty, horribly abusive, pathetic man child.
other specific things he did:
- s3xualized age regression- made fun of people for exhibiting weird traits even if he KNEW it was bc of something like ADHD or autism- said like any racial slur he could learn of or think of- said that if you're not constantly worrying about passing, you're "not really trans"- mocked any gender or sexuality that wasn't cis and heterosexual

name: Bug
age: 18
species: elf/ clown
gender: demiboy
pronouns: he/they
height: 5’4
backstory: after Jay was taken care of and everyone was recovering, Bug started basically acting like Jay. yea, that might have been some kind of defense mechanism from the abuse he endured, but it doesn't excuse the pain he caused. for specific things he did:
- tried to convince everyone that Jay did nothing wrong and it was actually all their fault- called Void's household "cultish" bc they don't let in bigots- purposely ignored and didn't talk to Fever, Opal, and Moss to "test them" and see if they'd talk to him (he knew damn well they don't try to talk to people if they don't seem like they wanna be talked to) and then still complained about how they had "communication problems" and how he just "didn't feel any love from them anymore" (he was literally harboring a secret hatred against them for no reason)- made fun of age regression